Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas | Christmas Greetings | Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Friday, December 23, 2016

How to be more handsome |What makes a Man More attractive | How to look ...


Becoming attractive and handsome is the very desire of every men and women. Truly speaking that physical appearance is not the only reason for attraction. 

It is noticed that even handsome and pretty people try to make themselves attractive by wearing latest fashion clothes.

Though secret to look attractive lies in proper grooming, fashion and hairstyle but there are thousands of other ways that can also make you look attractive.

In this video we are introducing some homemade recipes that can shine your face and will make it attractive and beautiful.

Recipe # 1
Take some small pieces of roots of mulberry tree (See the picture before last slide). Dip these pieces in milk and grate them well in a grating stone. By grating it will turn into a paste.

Before going to bed apply the paste on your face and leave it there till morning. Wash your face with fresh water. After one week results will be amazing.

Recipe # 2
Massage your face twice a day with buffalo's butter (once in morning and once in evening). It will also make your face shining, beautiful and attractive.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Home remedies for Diabetes – Natural remedies for Diabetes

What is Diabetes - Types and Symptoms of Diabetes

Benefits of Raisins to Increase Sex Drive - Health Benefits of Raisins

Improve your Sex Life with Onions - Benefits of Onions on Sex Life

Best foods to Increase Sperm Count - How to Increase Sperm Count Naturally

How to Get rid of Diabetes Naturally - Treatment of Diabetes with Bitter...

Friday, August 12, 2016

Natural Cure and Treatment of Dyspepsia (Indigestion) with Lemon, Carrot...

Introduction to Natural Cure and Treatment of Dyspepsia

Digestive disorders could have various reasons but the main reason for this problem is habit of QUICK LUNCH.
In case of serious digestive disorder please consult your doctor as it could only be cured by proper medication.
We should keep our stomach muscles strengthen because process of digestion depends on strength of these muscles.
For mild and not very often indigestion problems we will suggest you some workable home remedies. In most of the cases indigestion is caused because of eating or drinking of improper food or Infection of medication.
Change in diet and lifestyle could also cure indigestion. Proper sleeping, avoiding spicy foods, less fatty foods and less use of alcohol could prevent indigestion.
Use of lemon is helpful in promoting and strengthening a healthy appetite. Add juice of 1 lemon in a glass of water and drink it before each meal.
Mix half a glass of carrot juice in half glass of water and drink it once a day. It increases saliva and quickens digestion. Carrot also supplies vitamins and minerals to our body.
Tamarind fruit is useful to treat loss of appetite and cures indigestion. Regularly using its infusion helps to cure indigestion problems. Make an infusion by softening it in water, drain the water add cloves cardamoms, black pepper and camphor and eat.


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