Friday, June 17, 2016

Positive and the Negative forces

An introduction to The Positive and the Negative forces
The life always runs on the track of positive and negative forces. Its’ values are never complete without these two, even a minor dis-balance in any of these forces derail the whole process of life as well as system of the Nature. A male is of no use without a female or vice versa, good has no meanings until you don’t experience the bad, day and night, black and white and so on both of these alternate forces makes the mare go.
The current energy system which is responsible for a big revolution in the human life also runs on the same system, the system of Negative and the Positive. Even God Himself created a negative force (The Satan) in order to run the system of universe. Just think on it that if the negative forces were not there then how and where the life was standing. For example, what was the need to fix a strong door to your house if you don’t have any worries about the steeling of your assets by a thief? A simple door or just a thick curtain was good enough to protect the privacy of your house. I am not favoring a negative power at all but what I am discussing is the system of the Nature (GOD). Only one worry has given us a lot of new thoughts such as, sense of punctuality to check the door before going to bed or lock it properly before going outside, once the sense of punctuality will become a habit to us we will also be able to apply it in other fields of our life. It also gives us a sense of self protection, even if we are rich enough and are able to hire a security guard we will definitely do it for our safety, and it will help the security guard to earn some bread for his family, job for carpenter, blacksmith, police and a lot of other job will also be connected with this one worry.
Mosquito - are we ever able to finish it from the face of earth, it is spreading lot of diseases around the world and every year a lot of people are dying of it. This is a negative and dark sides of it now let us go to the other side of it. Have we ever thought that due to this tiny insect how many pharmaceutical companies are running around the world? How many hospitals are there, how many jobs are created each year for doctors, how many pharmacies are there and how many millions of people are earning their bread due to it? Surely it is the system of God which is still out of reach for us to understand. 
I have promised that in this article I will not discuss anything related to religion but yet I remember that long time back I read one story in some of the magazine which was related to prophet Moses The story is quite interesting ‘ONCE PRTOPHET MOSES WAS BUSY IN TALK WITH GOD HE NOTICED A Lizard CRAWLING ON THE WALL. MOSES ASKED GOD WHY DID YOU CREATE THIS CREATURE AND WHAT IS THE USE OF IT. GOD REPLIED MOSES THE SAME QUESTION THIS Lizard IS ASKING ME ABOUT YOU”. We the human still don’t know lot of things about the life and its’ circle. Still we have to go to a long way to understand the purpose of creating this world.

First man on the earth

Introduction to The first man on the earth

There are different theories that how and from where the human came to planet earth. The most weaken and unreliable is the one which says that human came to earth from some other planet. The strongest and most followed one are split into two schools of thought. One of the school of thought support the religion while the while the other one support the theory of evolution introduced by Darwin. 

Religion says that we as a human came from the Heaven. If we accept the theory of religion then a lot of questions arise to our mind. Our first question will be that how the human was created in the Heaven? 
Was he came to Heaven in one piece or each and every part of his body was created separately and then these parts were assembled together to make it as one unit?
What was his first language and where did he used to live in within the heaven? What was his first dress? 
What and which kind of food he started to eat?
Religion has its own answers for all these questions as well as to other similar questions but the reality is this that these answers always leaves us unsatisfied and confused as these answers looks like a part of some mystery or an untold story of the outer space. By living in the religious boundaries and to look for the answer of these questions we became very limited and are unable to cross the boundaries of religion. Once we are out of these boundaries we are also out of the religion.
Another most interesting thing which religion tells us that Adam and Eve was living a peaceful life in the Heavens where they were misguided by the Satan and as a result of it they were sent out of the Heaven to this earth. 
The question arises that once God kicked out Satan from the Heavens then how could he dare to reenter in it. There is no way that he could do that even if he tried to disguise himself to cheat the Lord. There is no way that one can cheat his creator, by cheating Him means challenging His authority and if someone think that he has cheated the Lord by disguising himself then he is responsible for weakening the authority of his Lord.
Now even the Adam was leading a peaceful life on this earth same as of a life in the Heaven or the Heaven was created for him but he was not created in the Heaven.
Human is the last creation of Nature, before his arrival or appearance to planet earth everything was set for him. Food, herbs, ride, home etc all was there but it was all as a raw material. It was left to him how to use it and to make changes and alteration to it as per his requirements..


Allah says in the Glorious Qur'an: 

"And of His signs is this: He created you of dust, and behold you human beings, ranging widely!" (Ar-Rum 30:20) 

In another surah, we are told that: 

"He created man of clay like the potter’s." (Ar-Rahman 55:14) 

Allah has created every moving (living) creature from water. Of them there are some that creep on their bellies, some that walk on two legs, and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills. Verily! Allah is Able to do all things.


Gen 1:26 ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 

Gen 1:27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 

Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. 

On the other hand the theory of Darwin is very controversial, religion has always condemned and rejected it at the very first instance, and even it is not ready to listen a single word of it. On the other hand science always confirms its’ findings on the bases of observation and long researches. Scientific theories are always based on facts and figures. The most interesting thing is this that the theory of evolution is also based on observation of Nature and its’ continuous but an invisible process of evolution. The theory of evolution explains that how the Nature change its’ shape and functions within a very long period of time. The process of evolution is a slow moving one and the changes in the geographical culture and their atmospheres are always hidden from the human eye. These kinds of changes occur in millions of years and they always remain unseen. This process is so slow that it eats millions of generations which always remain unknown to each other.

Mystery About the Soul

Concept of the Soul
Soul always remains a burning question in the human history. Religious elites, scholars, scientists, philosophers or a common man who else is there who has not ever discussed about the existence or non-existence of the soul. 
In past people used to live in tribes, the concept of building huts was still far away and they mostly used to live in caves or on trees. The living style of humans has changed with the passage of time, today he is enjoying a very luxurious life, but concept of the soul is almost the same as it was in the ancient times. 
In ancient days when people were not aware about the use of fire it was a mystery for them as well as an amazing experience. Due to its force, light and an immediate hurting reaction upon touching to it, they accepted and worshipped it as a god. In those old days whenever a lightning struck a tree or to any other object which could easily catch the fire, the whole tribe used to gather around it. They used to observe that the physical body of the burning object is turned into ashes (Dust into dust) while the smoke has gone up in the skies. 
Most probably the very first concept of the soul came from this observation of mankind where the smoke is taken as soul of the burning body which is going up high into the skies where The Lord lives in. Till today the concept of the soul is the same as it was in the early days of human history. This very concept is still alive that after the death of a person his soul goes to the skies to be one with The Lord. 
Soul will always remain a mystery. In my opinion soul is not the same as what we think of it. But in fact it is a force (energy) which keeps running the systems of our body. This force (energy) is responsible to keep the relationship between the body and the soul. Energy is covering the whole universe because in the entire universe nothing could survive without it.
Soul is there but its reality is still hidden from us. Since we have stepped in to this world we are after it and want to know what it is, where it comes from and where it goes to. What is the reality of it, does it exists or not. There are a lot of unanswered and unexplainable questions about the existence or nonexistence of soul that always exist in human mind.
None of the religion is able to answer this question that at the time of creation of a new life where the soul comes from. A combination of male and female sperm is responsible to create a new life. A dead sperm is not able to generate life. An active and alive sperm must have a soul because without a soul there is no life. When these two active and alive sperms of male and female gets together and absorbs themselves in each other as one in order to create a new life then they leave a big question behind them. Before absorbing as one, with these two active and alive sperm there was a soul connected to each of them. If one of the soul is consumed and is responsible for creating a new life then where the other one goes in.
Another example, suppose we have one electrical point in our home and we are using this single point for different purpose such as one after another we are connecting different kind of electrical equipments to it then by doing all these practice we have to watch that what will be the function of this point and what will be the function of each and every equipment once it is plugged in. For example if we will switch in a refrigerator to it, the refrigerator will play all its functions according to its structure in full and final. Now we disconnected the refrigerator and plugged in a washing machine to the same point, the washing machine will start playing its functions as per its structure and will play all those functions which were fixed in it for a specific purpose. Whatever the equipment you will connect into that point it will work according to its structure or in other and simple words it will play as what it is manufactured in and is meant for. Even if we attached to this point a supply with multiple outputs which could accommodate multiple equipments, all the attached equipments will function as per their structure and will perform all those services for which that were established. The interesting thing is this that the main supplier of energy is that single point. Does it not show that energy is the main source which runs the whole system as well as the system of all other creatures? They all work within this system according to their structure as well as for the purpose they were created or manufactured for. Does this system also do not applies to the humans, animals, plants and other creatures of the Nature?
Soul is attached with the human body or in easy words the human body serves as a prison for the soul and the body never wish to let it go out of it. In this prison the prisoner (soul) always have an upper hand because it has the authority to control the prison (the human body) according to its desires. It has the authority to fulfill all its desires via human body. The human body is responsible to perform its duties according to the commands it gets from the soul.
The whole system of human body works with the help of energy, as much energy it will have that much strong and active it will be. Energy in the human body doesn’t let the soul go out of it. When the body weakens and the stock of energy reduces in it the soul start peeking outside of it. As much the stock of energy decreases in the human body that much the soul feels free to be ready to go out of it. A total collapse of energy in human body let the soul go out of it forever.
It is a spatiality of the soul that it can see everything but by itself it cannot be seen by a naked eye. Lot of times we have experienced that a person who is near to death mostly talks about his dead once. He tells his love ones about his late (the one who are already dead) relative that they came to visit him. The people take this story as a dream but if we go to a deep analysis of it we will realize that it is not a dream but it is a truth because when the body weakens and energy goes to its lowest level in it the soul becomes more independent to perform its functions. Now it controls the body in a lighter way and start keeping itself in touch with the outer world. Our dreams are the best examples of such experiences where we see meet and talk to our late relatives.

The Begining


Whenever we want to write something on a specific subject the most difficult part of the subject is that from where we have to start it and till where we will end it up. Another difficult part of it is to give a proper title to your article, a title which could reflect theme of the article.
Sometime back I was thinking to say something about the life and its circle. In this article I want to share my personal views about it. While discussing on the subject “The Journey of Life” all my arguments will be based on logic and common sense, also I will try to avoid adding any of the religious references. Very rarely where I will feel it utmost necessary I will add a little touch of scientific or religious thoughts in it otherwise this article will purely reflect the feeling of a common person about the life. 
Different religions have different concepts about life; each of them explains life in its own perspective, but all these religions agree to one point that there is also another life after the death. All of them almost agree that after death a human is awarded an eternal life, they also agree that this new life will be awarded to him according to his deeds in his worldly life. Either he will stay in the Heaven or will have a place in the Hell. 
But I have a question from all of them that does the concept of death really exists. In my opinion life doesn’t end after death. Though it sounds very strange and unusual, but this is what I understand and that is what I am going to discuss in this article. Not only about the life but I will also try to discuss about the different aspects and concepts of life.