Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How to increase sex performance and sex drive

Introduction to How to increase sex performance and sex drive
Experts from all fields of medical science agree that our health and especially sexual health depend on what we eat and how much we eat. They agree that food always have huge impact on our sexual health. Foods that are good for our heart are also good for a better sex.
Diet plays an important role in increasing or decreasing our sexual performance. Selection of food is a key for a healthy life. It is advisable that you should contact your doctor and get his advice about the selection of healthy foods. Your doctor will recommend healthy food for you according to your chemistry. A change in your diet will help to increase your sex drive.
There are also numbers of reasons for losing a successful sexual life. We will discuss various sexual deficiency issues one by one in our forthcoming videos. We don’t want to sum up everything in one video. We prefer to discuss each and every topic individually. It will be helpful to our viewers to understand everything in full, and make them back to their bedroom with confidence. Our today’s topic is selection of proper and healthy food for a healthy sexual life.
Green foods are always on the top of healthy foods list. According to researchers, people who regularly eat vegetable and fruits as a diet lives longer as compare to those who don’t. We will discuss about some of the most important fruits and vegetables that will prepare your brain and body for the bedroom. 
The avocado tree is native to South Central Mexico. Due to unusual shape of avocado fruit Aztecs’ gave it the name Nahuatl that means testicle. This fruit is popular due to its sexual benefits. It is rich in unsaturated fats that keep the heart healthy. It is advisable to heart patients as well as to those who are suffering from erectile dysfunction, to add this fruit in their diet. If like you can also add some extra slices of avocado in your favorite salad.
Ginseng tea
Addiction to coffee lead to over-stimulation of adrenal glands that in time of stress floods the body with hormones. These hormones cause a negative impact on sexual performance. As an alternate you can try ginseng tea. It is found very effective with amazing results specially to those men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction. It is not limited only to men but could be taken by women too. It is found supportive in increasing stamina, sexual performance, digestive system and overall fertility health.
Watermelon is a seasonal fruit. It is cultivated almost in every part of the world. To overcome sexual dysfunction eating watermelon is the best remedy. Researcher named it as natural Viagra and recommended it as the alternate of it. This fruit is rich in amino acid that works same as Viagra and other sexual aids do. Daily consumption of watermelon could be a highly effective treatment for the erectile dysfunction. It is recommended to make it as a part of your daily diet.
Black Raspberries
When talking about Black Raspberries don’t be confused with Blueberries. Blueberries have their own taste and health benefits but when we talk about Black Raspberries it means that we are directly talking about its benefits for an instant boost in sex drive. This fruit is rich in photochemical that naturally stimulate the brain and increases endurance. Doctors suggest eating a handful of Black Raspberries about an hour before going for sex. It will make you stay harder and longer with full of enjoyment.
Rich in vitamin B5 and B6, eggs help to fight stress and balance our hormone levels. They are full in protein and are a complete diet. Eating in breakfast with toast, eggs keep us fit for the whole day. Its benefits are the same either it is eaten boiled, scrambled or fried. Egg contains lot of amino acid that is beneficial to combat with erectile dysfunction and heart diseases. It is also a good diet for weight loss and breaking down fat.