Saturday, June 18, 2016

Does God exists

Introduction to Does God exists 

My simple answer to this question is YES HE DO. I don’t have to go far to search for HIM, I don’t need to look for him in jungles or deserts or to do some kind of meditation. Church, mosque, temple or synagogue are also not the places for me to go there in search of God, to me these are only the identities and labels which one can chose for his identification. To me it is more than enough to look at myself and my mechanism, each and every part of human body and its unique function is good enough to understand HIM. A fixed, unchangeable and unbeatable mechanism of human body was developed by the Nature at the very initial stage of the existence of human at this planet. This system is running as it is from last millions of years. Science is not yet mature enough to compete with it. Science can provide you the alternate of it but cannot produce the original. It can provide you alternates for life saving but these alternates are not good enough to save the life forever. 
There are always side effects of manmade products but there are no side effects of any of the product produced by the Nature. God has arranged for our shelter, conveyance, food and medicines well before our existence to this planet. HE provided everything to us as a raw material and left it on us to explore it to know that how could we use it for our best benefits. Nothing is coming to us from skies, all medicines, foods and other resources are coming to us from planet earth. 
Human is also a product which is coming from the earth but the mechanism of his production is a bit different than the other products of Nature. Geographical and environment change also effect the behavior of people and animals. To understand the difference between the culture and taste West, Asia and Africa are the good examples of it as each of them have their own moods, behavior and attitude according to their geographical and cultural environment but most important of it is the fact that geography makes the culture and not the vice versa. We know that habits tastes and culture of different communities are different to each other. We also know that taste of the same fruits, vegetables and other natural products also differs in quality, variety and sometimes even in shape in different geographical location. Same is with the behavior and moods of the people of different cultures. Each and every culture is dependent and is a product of it geographic environment. 
There is no concept of waste in the vast and everlasting system of Nature. Everything is a food for something and when someone utilize its food the essence of it remain and became a part of its body and the waste goes as a food for someone else, it is a continues system which is built by the Nature. The concept of judgment day itself is a proof that life remains continue even if the physical body of an object vanishes. Passiveness is not a part of the system of Nature (God). Life is a moving object, it starts from 0 and sometimes even cross the limits of 100 then it changes its shape but it remains continue in some other shape. 

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