Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Facts about the Human Brain

An introduction to Facts about the Human Brain

Hello Dear, today we will discuss some of the most Interesting Facts about the Human Brain. Brain is one of the most important parts of the body of a living creature. Without a brain it is not possible for a living being to survive. As much the brain of a creature will be larger in terms of size ratio that much intelligent that creature will be considered. There are hundreds of fascinating, amazing and surprising factors about the human brain; out of these we are going to discuss some of the most important one.

Number 1 Comparing with the other creatures’ humans is having the largest brain in terms of size ratio. Physically and by weight and size elephants are the one who are having the largest brain, but by comparing the ratio it is only 0.15% of its size and body while comparatively the human brain has a ratio of 2% of his size and body. According to research weight of an adult human brain is nearly 1.5 kg, and it consumes almost 20 to 30% of the total energy that is generated by the human body or in other words brain consumes the largest portion of energy as compare to the other organs in a human body. Energy plays a major and important role in maintaining a healthy brain cells. 
Number 2 A human brain contains nearly 100 billion neurons that are responsible for increasing the processing ability of a brain. Though the brain acts as a main source for maintaining the central nervous system yet amazingly itself it is the only organ in a human body that is lacking of nerves. Because it has no nerves it never feels pain. 
Number 3 Brain is programmed to forget the childhood memories. It becomes difficult for people to recall the memories of their childhood. In previous researches scientist believed that memories of early age remain there in the mind but as infants do not have the language skills so they are not able to recall them. Recent research shows that infants and children also make their memories in their early age but with the passage of time and with a process of developing and growing of brain memories of the early years wipes out of it. 

Number 4 Most comfortable and ideal time for sleeping is considered the night time. Sleeping at night is also an ideal time for the brain to take rest. Enough sleep also helps to revive the learned memories from the whole day. 

Number 5 In a recent study it is discovered that seafood is the best food for brain growth. Fatty acid which is present in fish and other seafood caused to improve the memory function up to 15%. Scientists consider seafood as a rich diet for the brain health and for preventing the disease of dementia. 

Number 6 There are billions of cells in our brain and each and every cell has its own unique function. The concept that human has used his brain to a maximum of 10% is not true. A normal brain consumes energy equaling to 25 watts which is good enough to illuminate a light bulb. 
Number 7 In a research report scientist has described that memories could be stored in our mind. This could happened in both ways either recognizing or non-recognizing them. Forgotten events and memories could store and that could live on inside our head.

Number 8 60% of a normal human being brain is comprised of fat. It is regarded as the fattest organ of a healthy human being. 
Number 9 Brain injuries could result in loss and forgetting of the memories. Injuries in such part of the brain which is responsible for handling the memories formation and recall could result in a memory lose. If this part of the brain is removed by the surgery the patient could lose his ability to form any new memories. 

Number 10 A normal human brain is consisting of nearly 86 billion of nerves cells as well as it contains billions of nerve fiber which are connected with trillions of connections. 

Number 11 Human brain is dived into two half, left brain and the right brain. Both part of the brain are connected with nerve fibers. Both of these parts of the brain are nearly similar to each other. Right brain controls the left part of the body as well as it has a role in maintaining artistic skills and processing of visual and auditory abilities while the left one controls the right side of the body and plays a major role in maintaining the speech and language ability as well as it is also associated with fact retrieval and mathematical calculation.. 

Number 12 Supply of oxygen is a must for the brain, without it the brain can collapse within a couple of minutes. A person could lose his consciousness if he is without oxygen for 7-9 seconds. 20 percent of blood and oxygen in a human body is consumed by the brain. Yawning also helps to cools down an overheated brain and it also covers any deficiency of oxygen in it. Without oxygen brain cells start dying after four to six minutes. Number 13 Brain is consisting of nearly 150,000 miles of strong blood vessels. These vessels are strong enough to bear high tension. These vessels work in high speed and provide oxygen and blood to the brain. Last but most interesting, even after the death of a person his brain works for 72 hours before it crash completely.

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