Introduction to Increase sex power and stamina - Garlic Miracles
Garlic is one of the
most beneficial vegetable. It is cultivated almost in every part of the world. Garlic
is closely related to onion family. Dry or wet it could be used in both ways.
It contains Allicin compound that has lot of healing properties.
Using garlic as a part
of diet could do a lot of wonders in improving your sexual desire. It is
responsible of boosting the energy of sexual desire. Experts call it a miracle
herb that heals the body organs. In ancient days garlic was used to heal and
increase the sexuality.
Garlic cleans the heart
arteries and normalizes blood flow of body. Especially it normalizes the blood
flow towards penis. As a whole it is very beneficial for the whole body. Eating
garlic as food in reasonable quantity keeps fit and fine. To avoid garlic
breath we will suggest you to eat a little quantity of parsley sprigs.
To start treatment with
garlic, as first step you should cut down junk foods, fat foods, alcohol and
soda. If you are having difficulty in erection you may eat 3 to 4 garlic cloves
daily. After 4 weeks if you notice that you are feeling little better then cut
down this dose to 3 times a week. For desired results it is suggested to use
raw garlic.
health benefits of garlic
Mostly garlic is used
as seasoning in cooking, but it also helps to boost your health amazingly. It
contains a chemical that kills the bacteria that causes life threatening lungs
infections. Allicin compound found in garlic effectively kills certain type of
Garlic increases the
circulation and because of its aphrodisiac properties it boosts sex life
amazingly. It also contains lot of vitamin B6 that helps to keep the immune
system healthy.
Garlic widens the blood
vessels that help to keep the cholesterol level lower. A high dose of raw
garlic helps to lowers the blood pressure amazingly. It is a tonic for those
who are suffering from high blood pressure. It serves as natural insulin for
diabetics. Its health benefits also include anti-cancer and cardiovascular
It contains
antibacterial and analgesic properties. For an immediate cure of toothache put
some crushed garlic on affected tooth.
Garlic serve as a tonic
for weight loss as it eliminates fat from cells and boost metabolism system
that helps to keep the weight in control and never let us go bulky. It also reduces
all those activities in our stomach that could lead to indigestion. It also
guards against constipation and diarrhea.
and she
It is not a title of
a movie or a TV serial. By she, I mean the opposite sex that could be your life
partner or your girl friend. What we want to make you understand that men who
eat garlic regularly their women always notice them in a good way. It is true
that garlic on the breath is not pleasant but according to a study there was
surprising findings that odors of garlic on the men body attract the opposite

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