Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Health benefits of tomatoes

Introduction to health benefits of tomato
Tomato is a sweet, delicious and juicy fruit. It comes under the category of fruits and vegetable. This product is cultivated around the world and is easily available in the fruit and vegetable markets.

Tomato could be eaten raw and is also cocked along with other vegetables. People also used to eat sliced tomatoes in sandwiches, chopped in salads and drink tomato juice along with vegetable juice or the pure tomato juice. There are lots of benefits of tomato that are good for our health.

Tomato helps in improving vision

Tomato contains lots of vitamin A. Vitamin A helps to improve our vision and prevent night blindness. It also helps to reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

Tomato maintains blood health

A single tomato provides nearly 40% of our daily requirement of Vitamin C. It also contains iron, potassium and vitamin A, which are all necessary to maintain blood health. Tomato is a good source of chromium that helps to circulate our blood normally.


Tomato helps to fight cancer; it contains a large amount of antioxidant lycopene that helps to lower the risk of stomach, lung and prostrate cancers. Vitamin A and C in tomato helps to control cell damage.

Weight Lose

Tomato contains lot of fiber and water which can help us to lose weight. Make it as a part of your daily diet, you can sliced them to eat raw or can make snack, salads or sandwich out of it. Also you can use raw tomato with your other meals.


If we eat tomatoes every day it will keep our digestive system healthy and will help us to prevent constipation and diarrhea. By removing toxins from our body it keeps us safe from jaundice. Vitamin A in tomatoes also keeps our hair strong and shinning.

Kidney stones
Eating tomatoes without seeds can prevent kidney stone and gallstone.

Heart disease

Eating tomatoes regularly helps to decrease cholesterol level and triglyceride in our blood, as well as it reduces fat in our blood vessels. Antioxidant lycopene in tomatoes can protect us from cardiovascular disease and it also reduces the risk of heart disease.

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