Sunday, July 31, 2016

How to Cure Premature Ejaculation – Home remedies

Introduction to How to Cure Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is a common problem that spoils the sexual life of both partners. To man it is very painful, distressful and shameful if he is not able to perform sex successfully. Life becomes miserable, and unhappy even it ruins the relationship. Anyone suffering from premature ejaculation is unable to satisfy his opposite partner with his sexual performance. In most of the cases male lasts at a very early stage while his partner is still at the beginning stage of a sexual romance. This kind of situation makes the life miserable for both partners. 
Man suffering from this problem feels lot of distress and shame. In most of the cases it becomes worst and make the man unable to perform sex. In many cases man lasts within one or two minutes that leaves the both partners unhappy and unsatisfied. These conditions make his partner annoying and frustrated. 
Mostly people don’t take this problem seriously but later it becomes a real cause of distress and frustration for the man and in most of the cases resulted in break-up of marriages. In a report it is stated that male with premature ejaculation could not last more than 60 to 90 seconds inside the vagina.
There are various reasons of this problem such as extreme depression, being habitual of masturbation, suffering from chronic diseases, anxiety, breakdown of nervous system, excessive use of alcohol and eating unhealthy foods. To overcome this problem and to start a proper treatment one has to pin point the actual reason behind it. In some cases it is only a psychological issue that is not related to any physical incompetency. It is advisable that person facing this problem should not feel shy, and should be bold enough to consult a specialist.
Misconception of playing sexual game for hours also put adverse results on those who suffer from premature ejaculation. According to a report of Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine people suffering from premature ejaculation last nearly within 1.8 minutes while a normal person lasts within 7.3 minutes   
Problem of premature ejaculation is common in people of all ages; most of the people overcome this problem by building self confidence, exercise and using sexual aids. There are lots of anti premature ejaculation drugs available in the market. These drugs could help to cure this painful deficiency in man. Here we will suggest you some home remedies to treat premature ejaculation but will also advice you to consult your doctor.
Treatment with Onions
Green onion seeds are recommended as one of the best food that stimulates sexual desire and prolong sexual capacities, it also helps in controlling premature ejaculation. Add one teaspoon of green onion seeds in one glass of water and stir well, drink this solution 10 minutes before every meal. It will give you amazing results and will also improve your stamina.
Treat PE with Lady’s Finger
Eating lady’s finger as a food helps to improve sexual health but its powder has long lasting benefits. Add 10 gram of lady’s finger powder in a glass of mild hot milk, add two teaspoons of candy sugar and stir it well. Drink this solution every night, after 4 weeks you will notice the surprising results.
Eggs and Carrots
Take a half boiled egg and mix two chopped carrots in it. Add one tablespoon of honey in this mixture and eat. Gradually this recipe will show its result and after three months you will feel yourself as a different man.
Treatment with castor Oil
This recipe is dedicated especially to older peoples. At old age Prostate problems could result in premature ejaculation. To control and prevent this problem massaging castor oil into the prostate glands could cure this problem. Gently massage with this oil from the anus to the base of your penis.
Treatment with Ginger and Honey
 Ginger helps to improve blood circulation. It also improves blood flow to the penis that helps to retain erection. A good level of erection helps to prevent premature ejaculation. Add half teaspoon of ginger powder in half teaspoon of honey. Add this mixture to a glass of warm water and stir it well. Drink this solution about 45 minutes before going to bed. You will notice the amazing results of this recipe.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

How to cure a SORE THROAT instantly – Home Remedies

Introduction to How to cure a SORE THROAT instantly – home Remedies
A sore throat is always results in lot of discomfort, such as throat pain, stomach ache, headache and swollen glands in neck. Main causes of a sore throat are the allergic reactions, fungal or viral infections and bacteria.  It is also caused due to pollutions like dust, dry air and smoking.
There are lots of clinical treatments of sore throat, but instead of going to a doctor why don’t you try some of the easy home remedies. These home remedies are helpful in alleviating pain caused due to a sore throat.
Salt water gargle.
It is one of the ancient and closest cures of a sore throat. Salt work as an antiseptic and helps to draw out water from membranes of the throat. Take one cup of warm water and ½ teaspoon of table salt. Water you have taken should not be hot but should be mild warm. Mix the salt and stir it well until the salt is fully dissolved. Gargle with this solution. Repeat this 3 times a day. To avoid the salty taste you can add a little honey.
Baking Soda Tea.
Same as salt baking soda also have antibacterial properties. It is considered as one of the effective home remedy for various diseases. Take 1 cup of water, ½ teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of water. Warm the water well, add salt and baking soda and stir it well. Test the temperature of water and if it is drinkable pour some of the water in your throat and sit it there for a while. Gargle and spit out the solution. Repeat this 3 to 4 times a day.
Garlic gargle.
Garlic contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is a natural remedy to cure the painful sore throat. It contain Allicin compound that fight the germs and kill the bacteria that causes sore throat. Eat one or two raw garlic cloves daily. Crush it with your teeth to release Allicin and suck it like a drop. You can also try it in cooked form or can take garlic pills. You can also use garlic oil by adding few drops of it in a quarter cup of water and gargle with it daily.
Steam is one of the best remedy for a sore throat. Take a large bowl and fill it with hot water, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in hot water, cover your head with a bath towel. To inhale the rising steam lean over fully on the bowl.  Try to inhale the steam until the water get normal. Repeat it 3 to 4 times daily. Another alternate is the steam bath in your bathroom. Take a hot shower in your bathroom it will also provide you a bit of relief.
Honey gargle.
Honey has mild antibacterial properties. Add about 2 teaspoons of honey in one cup of warm water and stir it well. Gargle with this solution. Repeat it two to three times a day. It will give you an instant relief.
Gargle with peppermint tea is another solution for sore throat. Peppermint contains menthol that helps to open the nasal passage. Add 2 peppermint tea bags in boiling water, let it steep for about 5 minutes, and gargle with this solution. Repeat it 3 to 4 times a day.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Increase your sex power with honey

Introduction to Increase your sex power with honey
Before we discuss about the benefits of honey we will suggest you that if you are a smoker you better try to quit it. Smoking has lot of deadly side effects; erectile dysfunction is one of them. Either you are a smoker or a non- smoker if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction you may give a try to honey. Other then ED treatment it also has other lot of health benefits.
Honey is full of natural carbohydrates, glucose and fructose. These ingredients are the primary energy source for our body. As a food honey could be enjoyed by taking a spoonful of it, adding it on cereal, oatmeal or toast. You can also add it in a cup of tea or milk or can dip fruit in it to enjoy a tasty snack.

Smoking causes lot of damages to our health including sexual performance. Honey is the best remedy to cure smoking damages on male sexual health. Nearly more than 18 million American men are affected of erectile dysfunction due to numerous reasons. Other than smoking these reasons include diabetes, neurological disorder and kidney disease.
According to a research smokers are with a higher risk of erectile dysfunction as compare to non smokers. Research also shows that men suffering from erectile dysfunction were given treatment of honey for some period of time and the results were amazing.
To sweeten up your sex life, add a spoonful of honey in cinnamon herbal tea, it will get you warmed up and in the mood. This recipe makes a perfect pre-bedtime boost.
It is believed that 4000 years old honey based alcoholic drink named Mead has the magical powers to boost sexual health and stamina. According to research Mead is highly rich in vitamin B and amino acids and both helps to boost stamina.
Combination of ginger with honey works wonderfully. At your breakfast mix honey and ginger in yoghurt and enjoy it. You can also enjoy honey by adding it in lemon tea with ginger. Combination of such sweet food will help to prevent erectile dysfunction.
To enjoy a full sexual life look for the pure and unprocessed honey that should be high in nitric oxide and antioxidants. For a touch of sweetness you can add it to tea, smoothies’ yoghurt of anything else.
To boost your libido, combine honey and fig and eat it after the dinner. From centuries fig is associated with sexuality and is being used as a sexual aid.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How to increase sex performance and sex drive

Introduction to How to increase sex performance and sex drive
Experts from all fields of medical science agree that our health and especially sexual health depend on what we eat and how much we eat. They agree that food always have huge impact on our sexual health. Foods that are good for our heart are also good for a better sex.
Diet plays an important role in increasing or decreasing our sexual performance. Selection of food is a key for a healthy life. It is advisable that you should contact your doctor and get his advice about the selection of healthy foods. Your doctor will recommend healthy food for you according to your chemistry. A change in your diet will help to increase your sex drive.
There are also numbers of reasons for losing a successful sexual life. We will discuss various sexual deficiency issues one by one in our forthcoming videos. We don’t want to sum up everything in one video. We prefer to discuss each and every topic individually. It will be helpful to our viewers to understand everything in full, and make them back to their bedroom with confidence. Our today’s topic is selection of proper and healthy food for a healthy sexual life.
Green foods are always on the top of healthy foods list. According to researchers, people who regularly eat vegetable and fruits as a diet lives longer as compare to those who don’t. We will discuss about some of the most important fruits and vegetables that will prepare your brain and body for the bedroom. 
The avocado tree is native to South Central Mexico. Due to unusual shape of avocado fruit Aztecs’ gave it the name Nahuatl that means testicle. This fruit is popular due to its sexual benefits. It is rich in unsaturated fats that keep the heart healthy. It is advisable to heart patients as well as to those who are suffering from erectile dysfunction, to add this fruit in their diet. If like you can also add some extra slices of avocado in your favorite salad.
Ginseng tea
Addiction to coffee lead to over-stimulation of adrenal glands that in time of stress floods the body with hormones. These hormones cause a negative impact on sexual performance. As an alternate you can try ginseng tea. It is found very effective with amazing results specially to those men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction. It is not limited only to men but could be taken by women too. It is found supportive in increasing stamina, sexual performance, digestive system and overall fertility health.
Watermelon is a seasonal fruit. It is cultivated almost in every part of the world. To overcome sexual dysfunction eating watermelon is the best remedy. Researcher named it as natural Viagra and recommended it as the alternate of it. This fruit is rich in amino acid that works same as Viagra and other sexual aids do. Daily consumption of watermelon could be a highly effective treatment for the erectile dysfunction. It is recommended to make it as a part of your daily diet.
Black Raspberries
When talking about Black Raspberries don’t be confused with Blueberries. Blueberries have their own taste and health benefits but when we talk about Black Raspberries it means that we are directly talking about its benefits for an instant boost in sex drive. This fruit is rich in photochemical that naturally stimulate the brain and increases endurance. Doctors suggest eating a handful of Black Raspberries about an hour before going for sex. It will make you stay harder and longer with full of enjoyment.
Rich in vitamin B5 and B6, eggs help to fight stress and balance our hormone levels. They are full in protein and are a complete diet. Eating in breakfast with toast, eggs keep us fit for the whole day. Its benefits are the same either it is eaten boiled, scrambled or fried. Egg contains lot of amino acid that is beneficial to combat with erectile dysfunction and heart diseases. It is also a good diet for weight loss and breaking down fat.