Friday, August 12, 2016

Natural Cure and Treatment of Dyspepsia (Indigestion) with Lemon, Carrot...

Introduction to Natural Cure and Treatment of Dyspepsia

Digestive disorders could have various reasons but the main reason for this problem is habit of QUICK LUNCH.
In case of serious digestive disorder please consult your doctor as it could only be cured by proper medication.
We should keep our stomach muscles strengthen because process of digestion depends on strength of these muscles.
For mild and not very often indigestion problems we will suggest you some workable home remedies. In most of the cases indigestion is caused because of eating or drinking of improper food or Infection of medication.
Change in diet and lifestyle could also cure indigestion. Proper sleeping, avoiding spicy foods, less fatty foods and less use of alcohol could prevent indigestion.
Use of lemon is helpful in promoting and strengthening a healthy appetite. Add juice of 1 lemon in a glass of water and drink it before each meal.
Mix half a glass of carrot juice in half glass of water and drink it once a day. It increases saliva and quickens digestion. Carrot also supplies vitamins and minerals to our body.
Tamarind fruit is useful to treat loss of appetite and cures indigestion. Regularly using its infusion helps to cure indigestion problems. Make an infusion by softening it in water, drain the water add cloves cardamoms, black pepper and camphor and eat.


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Sexual and General Health Care
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Foods for Boosting Sex Power – Increase Sexual Desire - Eat Black Pepper

Introduction to Foods for Boosting Sex Power – Increase Sexual Desire - Eat Black Pepper
Black pepper contains lot of properties that are all the way beneficial for our health. Due to its uncountable benefits to human health it is titled as King of the Spices. To enhance the flavor and taste of the food as well as for the treatment of various illnesses almost in all cultures of the world it is being used since ages.

Black pepper is an active ingredient that is used as a home remedy for various illnesses such as liver problems, constipation, colic, indigestion and urinary disorders. It helps to smooth our digestive system and fight against those germs that are dangerous for our health.

It is beneficial for those who suffer from constant constipation. To get rid of constipation they should make it as a part of the ingredient of their all foods. For an immediate relief to cough and cold add some of black pepper powder in a tablespoon of honey and ginger juice and swallow it.
It also helps to remove fat from our body, makes our nerves stronger and kills bad bacteria in our stomach.  It is also very beneficial for our brain cells and helps to improve memory.
Black pepper helps to make to our penis tissues stronger that increase our sexual abilities. Take a pan and heat 1 teaspoon of clarified butter in it. Add 3 to 4 pieces of black pepper and a glass of milk in the heated butter. Add 3 to 4 pieces of crushed almonds and let the whole stuff boil well. To cure the sexual disability takes this formation before going to bed.
For weight loss take 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and ¼ teaspoon of black pepper, add the whole stuff in a glass of fresh water and stir it well. Drink this solution regularly it will reduce your weight.
To heal cough take cumin powder and black pepper powder in equal quantity and add salt according to taste. Mix these ingredients well, lick this mixture regularly till the cough is gone.
To treat asthma, try this recipe.
Ingredients 10-15 basil leaves, 2 clove buds, and 8-10 pieces of black peppers. Boil the whole stuff in water for about 15 to 20 minutes then filter it. Add two teaspoons of honey and drink it with warm water. 


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Sexual and General Health Care
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How to get rid of Wrinkles Naturally - Face, Eye, Forehead, Neck

Introduction to How to get rid of Wrinkles Naturally

This recipe can help to remove wrinkles from face and lighten your skin. It is also helpful to make your look charming and younger.

Three big size lemons – 2 teaspoons of corn flour – 2 small size boiled potatoes – 1 crushed cucumber – 2 teaspoons of vinegar – 5 Almonds – 2 teaspoon of full cream milk

Dip almonds in a bowl of water for whole night then peel and crush them. Mix the entire ingredients well till it turns into a paste.

How to use
Apply the paste 3 times a week on your skin and leave it there for 30 minutes.

When paste is already dried rub your face gently with your palms till the whole paste is removed. Wash your face with warm water. After few days you will see the surprising results.


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Sexual and General Health Care
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