Saturday, July 16, 2016

Health Benefit of Bananas

Introduction to Health Benefit of Bananas

Banana is an evergreen fruit that is available round the year. It is available almost in each part of the world. It comes in top list of those fruits that are full of nutrients. A fresh banana contains 105 calories, maximum of vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber, copper, Potassium, biotin and manganese.
Banana is very beneficial for our health, it is considered as an all season fruit that could be eaten without any harm.
According to experts it provides iodine according to our body requirements. Expert recommends making it as a part of our food in our daily diet.
Either constipation or diarrhea it works as a natural medicine in both diseases. To cure constipation or diarrhea it is better to eat a couple of bananas instead of going to doctor. But in case of sever problem you may consult your doctor immediately. Bananas also helps to controls the urinal problems and improves sexual abilities. It is also helpful in reducing stress and to improve mood
Doctor recommends eating raw banana for diabetic and tuber clauses patients. In most of the cases it was found with amazing results to control these diseases.
A banana contains less water and is recommended for those who feel tiredness very often. By eating bananas regularly they could feel fit and healthy.
Eating banana with milk is considered as a complete diet and helps to keep you healthy and fit. Some people prefer to drink banana milk shake, which is also beneficial for health.
It is a favorite food for professional athletes; they prefer eating bananas before and during the sport.
In a recent research in Japan it is recommended that eating bananas with black dot reduces the risk of different cancers.
Health Tips
Health depends upon nature of diet and a practice of regular exercise. Surely when we eat our first preference will be a tasty food, but more important for us, is to select such a food that is suitable to our digestive system. We can easily control most of the health problems by following some of the basic steps in our daily diet. Our first preference should be to eat right food in right time and avoid all such foods that can cause health problems. When eating we should chew our food well and should eat slowly. Make a habit of daily exercise. If you regularly follow these steps, you will never experience a health problem.