Saturday, June 18, 2016

Idols – what is behind it?

Idols and their worship – what is behind it? 

Each and every faith has his own way of worship but worshipping of idols is the most known concept around the world as it is considered the very first source of worship other than the God. How the concept of idols did came into existence. It is said that in ancient day’s the CHIEF of a tribe was considered as most scared one for his people. Due to his old age and long experiences of his life he was always an authority for his people. He was the priest, doctor, judge as well as holder of many other social and spiritual authorities. In any walk of the life his decision was the final decision for his people which they used to accept without any argument. He was also responsible to distribute the food and other daily necessities of life among his people. It is a long story but in short a CHIEF was everything for his tribe. Any of the social, religious or any other function was incomplete without his presence. His presence was a must.
Upon the death of a chief the tribe used to make a statue of him which was mostly used to be fixed at his burial place. His people used to visit his burial place and request his statue to heal their diseases and solve their problems as to them he was still alive and is gone to visit the Big Lord to have some more powers and authorities.

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